选择检查 Account

获得3.年* 50% on balances of $250,000 and greater without being locked into a specific term, and make transactions whenever you need them. 

  • 开户
  • 看到利率


Enjoy Arbor Financial's 选择检查 Account with no fees, 没有极限, and direct deposits up to 5 days early with 提前支付+. 您将获得每月未支付的股息,这通常与定期存款有关. +, 你的资金由NCUA提供联邦保险,你会感到安全而安心1.

Earn High-Yield Dividends 

当你的支票账户中有25万美元或更多时,你最多可以赚3美元.年* 50%. 

No Fee 检查 and No Minimum Balance Requirements 

享受免费支票和无最低余额要求的福利. 转账和使用你的支票账户,随你喜欢的多或少而定,低于250美元也不会被罚款,000. 

提前支付 Up to 5 Days Early

您可以提前五天免费使用符合条件的直接存款 提前支付


享受一个 Visa借记卡 with your choice of PIN as soon as you open your account. 

Surcharge-Free ATM Access 

在我们网络内的3万台免费ATM机中任意一台取钱. Find an ATM near you! 

移动 & 网上加拿大28软件 Access 

Manage your money through our easy to use 网上加拿大28软件, 移动 加拿大28软件,以及互补的网络账单支付和远程存款功能. 

Complimentary Checks

Enjoy complimentary checks on this account.  

Overdraft Protection 

报名参加 Overdraft Protection to avoid costly merchant fees. 


使用 Zelle 通过手机加拿大28软件应用程序或网上加拿大28软件账户,方便快捷、安全地汇款.

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. Funds are federally insured through the NCUA 对于每个账户所有权类别,每个存款人最高可获得25万美元. 

* Arbor Financial Credit Union支票计划的年度百分比收益率(APY)按每日余额法计算. Dividends are compounded and paid monthly. 股息率和年利率是可变的,可能随时发生变化. Fees may reduce earnings on the account. APY shown is accurate as of January 1, 2024. Interest earned on daily balances of $250,000 or more. If the balance is below $250,000, you will earn 0.01%.

+通过提前付款服务,直接存款和其他自动清算所(ACH)信贷最多可提前5天存入您的账户. 提前支付服务取决于存款何时从发送方发起并由信用社接收, 我们不能保证存款会在预期的结算日期之前寄出. 信用合作社不负责由于不可预见的情况延误投寄. 信用合作社, in its sole discretion, may determine whether certain deposit payments, 矿床类型, or member accounts are excluded from the service. 提前付款的条款和条件可随时更改,恕不另行通知. Not applicable to business, loan, or mortgage accounts.