In 2020, 294.15 million Americans used and owned a smartphone (Statista, 2021), and that number is continuously growing. 机会是, 如果你是数百万拥有智能手机的美国人之一, you have access to a 电子钱包. But what is a 电子钱包? 数字钱包是一种基于技术的系统,可以安全地存储用户的支付信息和密码. 换句话说, 数字钱包不仅仅是一种在线支付方式——尽管它在这方面很好, 太. After entering your information just once, 数字钱包是店内购物最快的方式. Leave your wallet in your pocket, 或者在家里, 只需将手机指向销售点,即可进行非接触式交易. 数字钱包的另一大好处是,你可以使用各种应用程序向信任的联系人付款. 数字钱包的一个例子可以是Applepay、GooglePay和Venmo.
With technology constantly advancing, there are many reasons and benefits to using a 电子钱包, possibly even replacing a traditional wallet. Here are 5 reasons to get you started.
1. 方便
人们使用数字钱包的最大原因之一是方便! Whether you shop online, in store or in an app, your 电子钱包 stores your information for easy checkout. 大多数数字钱包还允许你转账和向朋友要钱,这让你比以往任何时候都更容易分摊账单.
2. 更安全的
数字钱包使用最安全的支付方式之一:令牌化. 您的信息是编码的,您使用数字钱包进行的每笔交易都会创建一个独一无二的, 一次性代码, reducing security risks. If you drop your physical wallet, your cards and information can easily be stolen, 相比之下,数字钱包需要双因素认证或面部识别. 意义, if you drop or lose your phone, people will have a more difficult time accessing your phone, 如果可能的话. When making a purchase, 可以在数字钱包的设置中要求授权, requiring a unique passcode, 触摸ID, or Face ID to make a purchase. 最后, 当您输入您的Arbor金融借记卡或信用卡到您的数字钱包, it is fully linked to your Arbor account. So, 您将能够看到付款,并通过手机加拿大28软件和您的卡对账单继续监控您的卡.
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3. Allows you to be More Organized
你是否曾经挣扎着在你的钱包里找到一张特定的卡片或优惠券? 数字钱包可以让你通过保存会员卡来节省开支, 礼品卡, 优惠券, travel passes (plane tickets, hotel reservations, 火车经过, 等.), and even your student ID to your phone. 将所有内容集中在一个地方可以让您轻松访问所有内容, 有组织的, 最重要的是.
4. Use 联系less Payment for a Faster Checkout
在过去的几年里,非接触式支付开始越来越受欢迎, and many people want the ability to pay without contact. 使用数字钱包可以让你进行非接触式支付, even if you don’t have a contactless card. 事实上, 使用数字钱包与使用非接触式卡支付完全相同,只是使用的技术不同而已. Using a 电子钱包 is also faster than paying with a card. 只需拿出你的手机,使用触摸或面部识别来确认付款. 不用再费力地寻找正确的卡片和输入你的密码. 你的数字钱包真正让结账无压力,无接触.
5. Get Rewarded for Purchases
Since your card is fully linked to your account, all your reward points are still earned with every purchase. 例如, if you use your Arbor Financial Visa Rewards Credit Card, you’ll still get points for purchases, including 3x points on travel and restaurants, 2x points on groceries and gas, and 1x points on everything else. Since many shopping apps integrate with your 电子钱包, 当你使用数字钱包付款时,你甚至可以通过其他移动应用程序获得特定于商店的奖励.
Explore Credit Card Solutions
数字钱包为您提供了一种更安全、更通用的方式来进行面对面和在线交易. 把你的Arbor Financial Credit Union信用卡和借记卡添加到你的数字钱包里,开始不用信用卡支付,这很容易. Arbor卡支持大多数主流数字钱包,包括ApplePay、SamsungPay和GooglePay.
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